One Year Anniversary of Post Trans!

It’s been one year that Post Trans exists! It’s been quite a journey and we are so proud of all the detransitioners who took part in our project
Many more things are planned for the upcoming year, we are looking forward to sharing them with you all! Here is an overview of our first year:

June 2019
First idea of creating a detransition project.

20th August
Creation of the social media pages: ︎ ︎ ︎

21st August
Our first introductory post:

6th September
The first anonymous story:

19th November
Ellie talks about detransition at the Eesti LGBT Ühing in Tallin, Estonia.

30th November
We were part of the panel at the first detransition conference, for the launching of The Detransition Advocacy Network (TDAN).

23rd November
Starting a survey about the needs of detransitioners. The results will be published as soon as possible!

13th January 2020
The launching of our website.

27th February
Interview with the German Emma Magazine.

10th March
The BBC World Service released an article and a radio documentary about our detransition experiences.

12th July
Laura Dodsworth’s Photography project about female detransitioners in which we took part was featured by the Sunday Times.

17th July
Ellie gives an interview with Laura Dodsworth on BBC World News.

8th August
Feminist Current published an English translation of the German interview we gave to the Emma Magazine.

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